Sunday 29 March 2009

Today I planted:

12 x Myosotis Blue (forget-me nots) in the shady corner under the pink honeysuckle
4 x Strawberry runners along the garden path (2 x Honeoye and 2 x Cambridge Favourite)
10 x Lettuce Lollo Rosso in the veg bed, tucked up by the mini polytunnel.

Fingers crossed The Black Terror doesn't dig them all up on his nightly tour of destruction.

Sunday 15 March 2009


Today was sunny, sunny is good for gardens n__n

Anyway... I'm starting this blog to feed into the Newpart site at some point in the near future. It will be about gardening; back garden gardening and allotment gardening and associated subjects.

I grow vegetables, herbs and flowers with varying degrees of success (most failures being slug related) but I've come to realise that for the most part, talking to the Internet is pretty much the same as talking to yourself, so I suppose this blog will essentially be a digital internal monologue where I talk to myself about gardening and occasionally other things.

You are welcome to listen or if not, that's OK too. Any gardening wisdom gratefully received n__n